Core Research Activities
The Center for Community-Driven Assistive Technologies will explore novel ways to improve the lives of people with disabilities. The research conducted at CDAT integrates three core research activities. Learn more about our research thrusts.

- We employ Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) methods to identify areas of need from the disability community and service providers. We create community-driven platforms, interventions, and programs to promote independence/interdependence and establish feasible information gathering/data collection systems.
Interprofessional and Interagency Collaboration Core
- We design and conduct research that promotes and evaluates interprofessional and interagency collaboration to optimize quality of care for PwDs.
- Interagency collaboration involves multiple professionals from different disciplines (e.g., medical, psychology, education, social work) across agencies (e.g., primary care, education, hospitals) working together in service provision (e.g., social, educational, behavioral, medical) to achieve coordinated, complementary, and comprehensive supports for PwDs and their families.
Technology Translational Research Core
- We conduct translational research that aims to move scientific discoveries quickly and efficiently into community practice.
- Because our research is community-driven with extensive practitioner and consumer involvement, we anticipate high technology readiness levels (TRL) of our research findings.